It is true that a baby spends most of the time in a bed. But it’s not laying down for 24 hours a day, especially when it learns how to sit and crawl. At this point, the appropriate toys are necessary, so a baby not only has some activity but also is learning and developing correctly. What are the best toys for babies?

Safety first!

It is obvious that babies don’t play on their own. They are always with a parent or a carer. Choosing the right toys for such little children, safety is one of the most important factors. A price is a secondary aspect because cheap toys may not be fully safe for children. First of all, the gadgets should be adjusted to the abilities of such a little child. They can’t be too light, but they can’t be too heavy to minimize the hazard of falling on a baby. The toys should not have any sharp edges or small elements, as children often put different stuff into their mouth. 

The sensory toys

The sensory toys are vital for babies under one-year-old. They help a child to meet the world by learning sounds, colours, textures and even smells. Moreover, the toy melodies often help babies to calm down or even make them smile when they are sad or crying.

Examples of toys

In our shop, we offer toys for such little babies. They are handmade, from the highest quality components. What makes them stand out is the fact that they are fully safe for babies, but also easy to store and to keep them clean. Here are a few examples of amazing toys for babies. 

1. Dry ball pool

Is a wonderful way not only to have great fun but also help in the right development of a baby. Thanks to the balls, a child learns the colours and the new sound of colliding balls. In our shop, there are dry ball pools of different shapes and colours. The balls can be selected according to the information in the post below:

How many balls do you need for the ball pit?

2. Slide

Yes, babies also can use our slide. Of course, the ones that at least know how to sit. The slides in our shop are made of natural materials, so they are harmless. Plastic slides may crack and chip off, and they are hard – which can cause cuts and bruises. Our slide and the dry ball pool make a perfect combination together. Sliding to a pool? There’s no better fun!

3. Swing

Is there any child that doesn’t like swinging? Probably not. Every kid naturally loves it! Swing isn’t only for older kids who know how to sit on it and swing, and it doesn’t have to be necessarily outside. The indoor swing can be placed in a child’s room. Our swings are made of the highest quality wood and strong ropes, this is why they are so solid, durable and safe. 

4. Floormat

Babies that know how to crawl but can’t sit yet will have a lot of fun while trying to move around. The playmat is a practical solution because it can be put back together once it’s not being used, or it moved to the corner and be used as a seat. Amazing gadgets are the 2 in 1 bag mats – once a child has finished playing, it can be used as a bag to store toys. 

5. Rocking horse

Rocking horses are the type of a safe swing, where a child can swing on its own without the parent or carer help. They are mostly enjoyed by girls. In our offer, besides the rocking horses, we’ve got motorbikes which are going to be an outstanding toy for boys. Our rocking toys are made of the highest quality wood.

6. Baby walkers and bikes

Children, at the age of about one year, start to stand and learn how to walk. Baby walkers are helpful at that time. Thanks to them it will be easier to learn how to keep the balance, coordination, and the right posture. Moreover, baby bikes are a great warm-up before learning how to ride an ordinary bike. However, it is worth consulting it with a child physiotherapist, as the wrong usage of such equipment may have a negative impact on the posture. 

The perfect gift idea

These types of toys are an excellent present for babies. Often, it is difficult to find a gift for a newborn, and the handmade toys are the best possible. No matter what’s the occasion (birthday, The Child’s Day or Christmas), such a present will always make a child or even a baby happy, as they develop quickly also while having fun.

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